Celebrating X-mas at Josy’s place

The Bageritz lab celebrated the end of the year with a Christmas dinner. The Bageritz family prepared delicious chestnut soup and galette. A nice evening full of laughter and nice conversations was finished with mousse au chocolat. What a great way to start the holidays!

Nika finsihed her master thesis!

Nika did her master defence today! We are very proud of her achievements. Our lab present was a ‘I did it’ designed bag filled with surprises 🙂

Open Postdoctoral Position!

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoc to join our group Stem cell Niche Heterogeneity!

Our book chapter is out!

Our book chapter on analyzing single cell transcriptome data in Drosophila is out. You’ll find a nice overview of developed and applied scRNAseq tools and some guidelines for getting started. A nice team effort!

Last day of Livia’s Internship

Livia has finished her 6 months Internship in our lab. Thank you for helping us with the single cell experiment! Good luck on your scientific path!

A wonderful evening at Karlstorbahnhof with insights into Wnt signaling!

Josy gave a talk about our work on the question “How does the Wnt signaling pathway control neighboring stem cell populations in a specific cell type-dependent manner?” at the lecture series Überlebenstrategien, a joint project of the life sciences Collaborative Research Centers at Heidelberg University and Rhein-Neckar Fernsehen (RNF).

Nika starts her Master thesis in our lab!

Nika obtained her B.Sc in Biochemistry at University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. She is a master student in a Developmental and Stem Cell Biology program at the Heidelberg University. She joined the lab in October 2021 as a Hiwi. During her Master thesis, she strives to understand the polarity of the muscle stem cells using …

We are happy to welcome Livia Chavent!

Livia did a Bachelor in Health Sciences at the University of Paris and came to Heidelberg for an Erasmus internship. She joined the lab in February 2022 and she is interested in stemness and stem cell niches.